Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Spoiler Alert!

If you do not want to know what Jennifer and Cary are having then do not read any further. This includes Jennifer and Cary's blog as well!

We are having a GIRL! Her name is Brylee Jarvis McFadden. The Brylee is after both her grandfathers middle names. Bryan and Gary (Lee). The Jarvis is to honor the Jarvis name in case there is no second child.

So Congratulations Jennifer and Cary! Can't wait to meet you Peanut! I mean Brylee Jarvis McFadden. You will always be Peanut to me. :)

Let the shopping begin!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to ask everyone to please pray Peanut will let us know on August the 19th if we are celebrating a Boy or a Girl. We have been told to have Jennifer drink orange juice, Sprite or some type of caffeine drinks ,even eat chocolate before going in for the sonogram. If we do not find out on Wednesday we will not know until he or she arrives. Yes, I know a few of you have said that Peanut is already taking after it's grandmother in some ways. Yes, I have a plan "C" on what direction I will be making and purchasing items for Peanut if we do not find out. I prefer plan "A".

The other reason I really want to find out is the name. Jennifer and Cary are keeping that a secret until they know the sex. :( I do have a plan "B" on that too. I will just call it Peanut until he or she is old enough to ask me to call it by it's given name. :)

Jennifer and Cary have a poll going that you can vote on what you think Peanut is. So if you have not voted yet go to and cast your vote. I know we will love a little girl or boy equally but, the poll is fun too.