Sunday, January 30, 2011

Maine or Bust!

Well, as many of you have heard, Jennifer, Cary, Chester & Brylee are moving to Maine. Those of you that read my Facebook at the first of the year saw the post of "lots of changes & challenges" are coming to the Jarvis Fun House". Well this is one & probably the biggest.

This is something we have expected for a long time. Moving out of Texas has always been a dream of Jennifer's so when Cary had the same dream it was bound to come true. Some friends & family were very surprised that when Jenn & Cary announced they were expecting I did not completely transform a room for the baby. Nope, I knew they would be moving & for me to have a room for the baby would have made it even harder for me once they leave. Actually one of the first questions I asked after they told us they were having a baby I ask, "will you be here or up north?"

Oh believe me Brylee never needed anything when she came to visit. She had her bed, high chair, toys, changing table, etc. Brylee took over the WHOLE house, not just a room. So who needs a room when you have the house!?

We are also losing our support team. To turn around & not see Jenn or Cary when Ashes & Petunia are doing appearances will be a little different.We will miss our newest member,L'ashes. The upside to this is that they want to take the LAFS program up north. Since the area has more Volunteer Fire Depts then paid this would really benefit the area. Of course Bryan & I will now help support them in this effect & do what ever we can to help them.

We are still facing a lot of changes & challenges. So while we take care of things here Jennifer & Cary will be getting us a "Closet" for the times we need to get away to catch our breath. What better excuse than it's time to visit the family!!

We are looking forward to the Fall beauty. A White Thanksgiving. A White Christmas. Visiting the New England states. Visiting Canada. Us planning a road trip one Summer. We plan on going one direction to get there & a different direction for the trip back. What a wonderful way to see our beautiful country! Who knows, we might even have a special little person with us!

We have also talked about when we order gifts online for Jenn, Cary and/or Brylee we will just have it shipped straight to them. Most of them offer gift wrapping. We might even talk with Brenda & Gary to see if we can ship things to their place so prying eyes can not peek.

Bryan & I have talked about the ways we can make Brylee's visits here even more special. Dessert First Wednesday. Picking out flowers for the yard. Making tu-tus. Staying up late. Visiting with family & friends. Visiting all the attractions that D/FW can offer. We hope to make a tradition while visiting Maine by making bird feeders out of pine cones and/or string fruit or making shortbread cookies for our little feather friends.

I think the hardest part will be missing the physical hugs & kisses we love to share with Brylee. Or just holding her while we read to her.
Of course is not like it was 100-125 years ago that when family left & you might hear from them once a year. We are now in the 21st Century! We have phones, e-mails, blogs, Facebook & SKYPE. I think SKYPE will be my favorite!

So as you can see we are trying to approach this with a positive attitude. Yes,there have been & will be more tears.

All I can say is that the Jarvis FunHouse is now on the move. Not only will we wreck havoc in Texas but now in Maine! Watch out Maine here we come!