Sunday, February 6, 2011

As many of you know Brylee has been a JOY for Bryan & I. She is the sweetest little girl. On Monday Night the kids came over and had supper with me. Jenn cooked so I came home & was spoiled! Well I was following Brylee around & we went into the bathroom, one of her favorite rooms in the house. She loves to sit on the scales. I tell her to quit showing off! She weights 17.8 pounds, light weight. Well she started just talking & chattering suddenly she had this expression on her face & she took her voice up higher & her hand jester changed. She had me laughing so hard! I'm just not sure what she was saying but she got really into it. Her mama came to check out the laughter & Brylee did not do as much once her mama can to watch.
Well we made our way to Jenn's room & she pulled out a couple of juggling pins & started hitting them against each other then would hit the floor,then do a little dance step or two.(It reminded me of the group STOMP) She was really getting into it. Her mama came in & she sort of stopped performing.

So I decided that she was just entertaining me that evening.So with Jennifer cooking supper for me. Brylee providing the entertainment. Cary & Chester being themselves & being there enjoying the evening, it was a PERFECT evening!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

God's Hand

Wow what a 24 hours! We had bad weather come in on Tuesday Feb 1st. Even with the sleet hitting every window in the house I went to work. I put some cat litter in the back of my car "just in case."

I got to work and finally found the parking space lines to park my car. I walked up to the doors & got blown to the side twice before I got to the door. The front door was hard to open due to the snow/sleet/rain build up. I finally got in. We had to watch the front door because of the build up, but we got everyone in & out.

Work went well & 6 of the office employees showed up. The RSR were sent home because it was too icy to be out. The phones were basically dead except from the calls forwarded from our East Texas office. (They did not have same weather we did)

We decided to go home @ 2:00.
Yes! I will get home, put on some comfortable clothes & relax. Well just getting out of the parking lot I had to put out cat litter 2-3 times. Maria noticed we were not behind her so she tried to call, but I was working on getting us out of there. (Dawn & I carpool on the way home) As we came out of the parking lot Maria came back to check on us.

We did good on the main streets, slow & easy. As we entered the apartment complex I had a thought to let Dawn out in the front, but I did not want to make her walk in the cold. She later told me she had the same thought. Well guess who tried for an hour and a half to get out of the complex? ME!

It seems the complex did not think to put out salt & sand for the inclines at the exits of the complex.
Yes there are 2 exits & you could not get out at either end. I was not the only one having problems. 2 Verizon vans & a pizza delivery guys was having the same problem, along with other vehicles. I slid so close to parked cars. I slid sideways. I had to go in reverse so many times. I finally gave it up & went inside Dawn's apartment, shaking from the cold & relief of being safe.

The thrill of the night was not watching everyone else slide around trying to get out but a pick up truck that slide into the complex & barely missed a park car. Once he got stopped he could not move at all. After a lot of work & apartment staff & neighbors they got the pick up truck to move BUT then I saw STUPID!!! come out. The people helping were standing between the pick up truck & parked cars trying to guide the pick up away from the other cars. I was a nervous wreck watching. I only could imagine someone being pinned between the vehicles.

Well, God was watching over everyone & they got pick up truck moved but not parked correctly.
After shaking from cold and/or relief I was able to get a plan together. I called my neighbor & asked him to take care of Vader @ 5:00 if I did not get home. I asked Dawn to ask her husband just to part in the front of the apartment complex so we could walk up & he could take me home. I wonder if the 2 Verizon Vans & 1 pizza delivery guys ever got out. They were still there when I left @ 4:45. Well, the plan can together. I got home to be with my children (the 4 legged ones).

I also discovered that the pipes in the kitchen froze up even with the cabinet doors being open. So since I'm home I have the faucet fully open so that maybe once they thaw out there will not be too much pressure & the pipe will not bust.

When Dawn & Craig went home they decided not to park out front but into the parking area. (I wonder if part of the decision was made because there were no parking spaces in front of the complex) Well they can not get out now.

So what did I learn from all this? This was God's work. He knew I would get out this morning & get to work as early as I could. God wanted me to stay home today. Taking away my car was the only way he could do it. He wanted to keep me safe & sound!

I did get up @ regular time this morning. I knew we would be going in a little later so I took the time to washed 2 loads of clothes. Took care of the flowers Jenn gave me for her birthday. Prepared some mail to go out. Have my lunch really to throw into my lunch bag. Well I'm still here. So I guess I need to warm up some lunch & maybe a nap this afternoon. Enjoy the day that God gave me.

Thank goodness the Ground Hog is predicting an early Spring!!!!!