Having a little one in the house slows you down to remember yours & your children childhood. You know not a lot has changed from our generation to Brylee's generation. Bryan & I wore the 70's style clothing. Jennifer did & today Brylee has on a pleasant blouse & blue jean shorts.The toys you buy for infants are the same as we had as children, remember the poppers & busy activity boxes & the plastic ring of keys? Brylee plays with her mother's. You heard the stories of our parents telling us we had oatmeal & rice cereals as our first solids? Well that has not changed either. This morning we were sitting at the table for breakfast & we were all 3 eating oatmeal. No, life has not changed too much in 3 generations.
Happy Birthday to Me!As many of you know I have been working hard on my new life style change. It is working & not only do I see outside results but, I feel so much better over all. I have more energy. I'm not sure it is the life style change or Brylee but I do not seem to be as down as in the past. (Some call it depression) I had my follow up today for lab results. I officially lost 65 pounds since July 5, 2008. My iron level is steady. My blood pressure readings are wonderful. So what does all this mean? No more iron tablets. My blood pressure medication has been cut in half. (This is wonderful news. My understanding is that you have to slowly cut the dosage when on blood pressure medication) So this is the first step to get off the medication. YES! So the life style change is working. It is not doing much for Bryan's pocket book right now.Since the next battle is to keep me on my life style change I will need you to send me any encouraging or inspirational words you may have. Please feel free to call, or e-mail me. If you need any support or encouraging on your life style change please let me know & you have it!To a new year of adventure!
Well we have figured out one of Brylee's little personality traits. LACK of PATIENCE! Yep, Lack of Patience. Here are a few reasons why we think this. Remember her birthday was to be around December 15th. She was born on November 18th. When Brylee is ready to eat it is right now! No subtle warnings, no small hungry cries, NOW! The third one we are watching is her walking before crawling! Brylee has always loved to stand. Her & B-PA/Poppy have a game they play where she is standing and she will slightly bend her knees & he will push her off above his head like she is a rocket. This can go on for a good 5 mins. Yesterday I put her on the floor standing with her holding my fingers. She stood there & then took a step out with one foot, balanced & then again. Now I'm not saying she was walking but, she knew what to do with those little feet.
So as you see, Patience is not one of her strong points. So what else will we find out about this little girl's personalty in the days to come............ Stay Tuned.