We had to have the some repairs done to the house. Those of you that own a home know what it takes to get estimates scheduled. Meet with the contractor & make the decision. The type of repair we had to have done of course leads to other repairs that need to be made, then you must go thought the scheduling of those contractors to get those estimates. Believe me the house is secured for the winter with more repairs & work to be done early next year. Oh & don't forget Bryan had the LAFS School Skit in October he was scheduled to do.
We have always felt very blessed with a wonderful daughter & son. When Bryan or I could not make a scheduled meeting she/they was here to help out. Thank you Jenn, Cary, Brylee & Chester for being so flexible with your schedules to help us.
We also had to make a prioritize the repair list. One because of trying to schedule time around the important work that had to be done & holidays coming up. Two MONEY!!!! With the type of repairs a lot of inside work now needs to be done. Well while you are doing those you might as well do this, we want to change that. As you can see a domino effect starts in.
Well I'm not going to go through all the details of the repairs but touch on some FUNNY comments/sights that happened while the repairs were going on.
Last year we went from Halloween/Game Night to Thanksgiving /Baby Shower in 15 hours. Well this year we went from Game Night to getting ready for a leak. Everything in the Dining room had to be moved out.
The living room had furniture & other boxes similar to this 28 years ago on Halloween. We had just moved in a few days before.
This is what happens when you do not move vacuum under the China Cabinet for 20 years......you have a mound of dirt.
Chester trying to di
Jennifer wanted to put Brylee's hand prints in the fresh concrete. Looks like the cats thought they deserved the honor!
As you can tell we kept our sense of humor while we went through the repairs. So far the west side of the yard took the worst hit. Looks like I will need to get out & do a lot of therapy next Spring!
Home Sweet Home!
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