I think the last time he was in was about 5 years ago. I enjoyed seeing him and listening to him talk. I had to keep reminding him he was from Texas. He has been in South Carolina for almost 20 years now. He is still Toney.
Toney is a very proud grandfather of 2 year old Lathan. Lathan's name for Toney is Pappa Tex. Lathan has this 6' 4 " man wrapped around his little finger.
Toney and I were close as children since we were only 3 years apart and no other siblings at the time.
Wow! He is so laid back and enjoying life as it comes to him. I guess that is where we are different! Be thankful Toney, be thankful!
Angie is so sweet and just an angel. She has to be a saint to take on that Martin Temper curse! I don't have a lot of pictures of her since she was behind her camera taking pictures too.
I really need to go visit Toney in South Carolina. I guess the warning Toney gave me is keeping me away. Once you visit there you don't want to come back to Texas. I do have plans to visit but I'm a TEXAN and I will come back home.
Love ya Toney!
to be con't.....
Remember to tell your love ones how much you love them today!
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