Monday, May 11, 2009

Grand Baby's Nick Name

Well while carrying Jennifer I called her "Angel". We were not suppose to have any children and felt very blessed that God gifted us with her and we still do. I was thinking I needed a name for the new grand baby. "Angel" just did not fit. I thought "Peanut" and that felt right, but still wanted to think about it. Well I got the signs. Mom J sent me a birthday card on she wrote on the inside, lil peanut around the corner. Okay that is so perfect. I found myself saying something and referring to the baby as "Peanut". I sent out an e-mail to let the non bloggers know how things went on Jennifer's first doctor visit went and told them don't be surprised if you hear me call the baby "Peanut". Not wanting to do anything to offend Jennifer and Cary I called to ask them if I could call the baby "Peanut". They did not think it would be a problem. Jennifer told me that with her CB radio handle being "Peashooter" (The type you shoot spit wads out of. ) and Cary being a nut. (Jennifer said that) that the name fits. So for now my grand baby has a name, "PEANUT"!

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