Stones may break my bones but, words will never hurt me. You know every time I think of that saying I think a child or a parent made that up to take away the sting of the hurt they felt when someone said something to hurt their feelings. Yes, WORDS hurt! I know each of us do it. We call names or say hateful things.Yes, we call someone names while out driving and someone does something stupid, like run a red light when yours is green. Or is cutting in & out of traffic. I will give you the name calling as long as your windows are up. You do not make certain jesters or you don’t do anything stupid yourself. Why? Because they do not hear you.You are able to vent & life goes on. No hurt feelings.Is it necessary to call someone you care about or love,names? Or say hateful words, we generally do this when we are angry or mad. How does it make you feel when you are called a name? How do you think the person feels being called names? When I have called someone a name or said something that hurt their feeling it weighs on my conscience for hours & sometimes days.I even get madder at myself the longer I think about it because what I did is unforgettable by my standards & as a Christian. I know that it is according to the person that I have been rude to, they may let it roll off their back or they are hurt & will not say anything.But was it really necessary? How does this affect our relationship.These are just a few questions I ask myself over,& over & over.
So the next time you are about to call someone a name or say something that could really hurt STOP. Don’t do it. I’m learning to bite my tongue or ways to rephrase what I want to say or I just walk away.
I guess as I get older, I'm learning to pick my battles & there are not as many. So remember sticks & stone may break your bones but,WORDS really hurt! Question, ever wonder how God feels when his name is used in vain?
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