Saturday, August 14, 2010

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall.... I do a lot of thinking in the mornings while getting dressed. It can be from planning out my day to what happened over the weekend. Many thoughts come across my mind. How many of us look into the mirror to see that we have one more wrinkle, another gray hair. Oh man I really need to get some sleep! I need to lose weight!
Do you ever reflect from there? Do you ask yourself questions like "How could I have said something to a love one a little nicer?" or "How can I make someone else's day?" Do you have a concern in life that you talk with God at that time? Sound crazy? It's not. You see when I need answers I think them through & while standing in front of a mirror I see my reactions to my answer. If it is a nice Yes,that's it! A big smile, eyes wide open you feel happy. If the answer is selfish, mean or not nice I see a frown, more wrinkles, someone very ugly. Someone that I would not like to encounter. Then my thought goes to: is this what God is seeing at this time? So of course I re-group and come up with another answer. Now it might not be at that time but I will ponder on it again either while driving to work or during the day. Why? because I did not like the person in the mirror & I don't think God did either. So remember your body language & expressions speak louder than words. Yes I sometimes just go in & get dressed, thinking of everything I should do for the day. I notice that I do a lot more reflecting on the days I get up on the wrong side of the bed. The reflection in the mirror helps me to realize that is NOT how I want to be all day. Yes I need to solve the problem or work around it but there is no need for the person in the mirror to follow me around all day because I know deep down I will hurt someones feelings. And I never want that! So remember we have control of our attitude, our behavior, Just let the reflection in the mirror help you. Just ask "do I want to be around that person?" if the answer is NO then no one else would want to be around you. I keep that in mind & decided on doing something nice for someone or something. Believe me that takes things to a whole new level! It's a win, win kind of day! If my co-workers only knew what type of day they almost had!! :)

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