Jarvis Fun House
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Project 52: 05/52 Steel
Monday, February 6, 2012
God contnues to give answers
I took the chance & e-mailed Brad & Faith to see if they could get together on the 28th.They asked if it was better to meet @ Fire Wheel or in Rockwall. I told them it did not matter because I have my Garmin & I could meet them where ever. (to those that don't know what a Garmin is It is my GPS also known as Karen.) We arranged to meet in Rockwall @ On the Border then ice cream @ Braskin Robbins. Let the FUN begin.
I needed to meet my friend Donna to drop off some pictures so we decided to meet @ the Lowes parking lot. I got there a little early & went inside. I ran into some friends from the Fire Dept & we talked for about 5-10 minutes. What a pleasure it was to talk with them. I do hope we get the chance again. They gave me advise about a car(s) I'm considering in the future. God's answer: Friendship is so valuable.
I meet up with Donna and as she was looking through the pictures when a call came in. She told me she needed to take it. By the tone of voice I knew it had to be someone she was concern or worried about. God's Answer: You will always be a mother & always worry about your Fam no matter how old or how far way they are.
Next I was on my way to meet my Mcfadden Family. Garmin/Karen & I made great timing. Now Garmin/Karen did take me off the President George Bush Tollway & through a scenic route for a short time. I had heard that the tollway goes all the way to I- 30 but this time I would do as Garmin/Karen asked, so I "Follow the highlighted route". It took me through an area that my parents once lived in. Lots of changes. Lots of memories came flooding back. God's Answer: Memories are good. Make as many as you can.
It was so good to see everyone. I got & took the biggest hug(s) I could from Helen.(and many more) It's been a while since I saw her & even though we hope to get together again soon I needed something to hold onto until the next time. Helen said, the Blessing for our meal. It was the sweetest one I have ever heard!! I will cherish it. We ate & talked. Did you know Unlimited does not mean unlimited? Yep..... I will let Brad explain that one. Once we were done we got into my SUV & went for ice cream. Now I wish I had my camera or at least my cell phone for a picture of Helen sitting in Brylee's car seat! It was greatness. Man!! I really wish I had gotten a picture. After we got our ice cream we sit & talked. I listened to how much they missed the family too. God's Answer: We are not the only one missing the family & it is tough on everyone. We are not the only ones that had a tough time with changes at the holidays.
I also found out that it looks like the McFadden Family will be joining us in Maine For Christmas!! We talked about maybe flying at the same time. I get Helen!!! This way we can show them how to catch the bus into Portland, etc. I also know that Cary & Brad's dad need to build up his muscles. LOL. We will see if we can coordinate this.
If everything works out Bryan & I hope to go for a visit in June to see the Fam. It may workout that Helen will fly with us so she can see her grandparents. She misses them A LOT!!! Bonus points will be seeing Uncle Cary, Aunt Jenn & Brylee. God's Answer: Reminder on why we welcome people into our life. You never know what journeys you will share.
After our ice cream I took them back to there car. I got more hugs.
I knew the direction I needed to go so off I go! Now remember that Garmin/Karen took me through the scenic route coming so I made my way to West bound I-30 & took off. Well Garmin/Karen had to re-calculating since I was not "following her highlighted route". I knew if I did not find President George Bush Tollway that I would come across 635 so I was ok. God's Answer: Trust Me! Just down the road a little came the exit for the tollway, so here I go.... I'm on the tollway over the lake & my says "re-calculating" then came " follow highlighted route." "follow highlighted route" "follow highlighted route" I looked over at my Garmin & all you could see was WATER on the map. I started laughing!!! My Garmin thought I was driving on water. I called Bryan to tell him & after he laughed he told me he might want to update my Garmin/Karen. What a wonder way to end a really bad week. Friends, family, Garmin & GOD!!!!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Pity Wedensday!
I’m not sure if it is due to the stress at work or missing my family or Bryan’s upcoming trip but, it was a really bad last 3 days at work.(Jan22nd) During this time I remember noting I needed to have Bryan look at my front left tire. I thought it looked low but again it could be just me.
Let me bring you up to speed a little. Bryan will be on the West Coast (Nevada/Arizona) for a convention. The Fam is on the Northeast coast. This means my family is spread out coast to coast & I’m in the middle! Positive Voice: This is actually a good thing I can get to either coast fast.
We are very short handed at work. We all are juggling multiple jobs.We still have people that need to take off for 1 reason or another which means a little more work on some days. While the others complain about the extra work load I try to keep positive. Positive Voice: I’m thankful I have a job.
So Wednesday I was really down. I kept having conversations in my head, working trying to be a good Team Player, & being a supportive wife & mom. Then Pity Voice: Why are MY dreams being taken away? Why is it that everyone I love is taken away from me?? What did I do to deserve this? Why don’t I just be as selfish as others around me?? They seem to get what they want all the time. Positive Voice: Because you would feel worst being like them. You know how much it would hurt God & people you care about if you were that selfish! During all this I have to hold back tear, answer the phone without the quiver in my voice & to sound like I have no cares in the world. The Positive Voice: It’s ok, there is a plan & at this time you must follow God’s plan not your own. Things are not as they seem. There is a different direction God needs you to follow. God needs you to spend more time with your parents or Ashton. God is handling your concerns just give him time.
I can usually pull myself out of the pity by thinking of my work in my yard. Think of something Brylee has done funny lately. Did you know Brylee's middle name is Poppy? LOL I thought of the trips we are planning to see the family. The quick long weekend trips with Bryan we talk about. Ideas for the house. (Something I know Bryan cringes inside every time I say, "I have an idea(s) I want to bounce off you") Then something around me would cause me to start the negative thoughts all over again. Mr. Pity just did not want to go AWAY!!!!
Fast forward to Friday.
I had a message on Thursday reminding me of my hair appointment on Friday. I completely forgot. So with a little re arranging I was able to make the appointment. I again remember my front left tire looked low & ask Bryan to look at it. After my appointment & supper I told Bryan when we got home that he should pull his car into the garage to load up for his trip. (BELIEVE me the Mini is PACKED!!) We would not have to worry about anyone breaking into his car (Not that we have a problem in our area but why take a chance. Hey Petunia belt & hat was packed in there. Very valuable to her.) LOL and a big reason is so no one would see Bryan packing up his car to go on his trip. I do not like to let others know Bryan is gone. NOTE: I do not post it on FB that Bryan is out of town. We do let a few family members know. I tell a couple of co-workers so if I don’t show up to work they know to call 9-1-1 for a welfare call. (Checking on someone) Bryan sends out a”Where is Bryan” to the Reserves letting them know he is not in town. All these are people I trust & feel safe with. This is just a precaution I take for my safety.
Saturday Morning.
Bryan & I go to I-HOP for breakfast. Then a quick stop into Wal-Mart & pick up a few things for his trip. Next thing you know Bryan is off to Bullhead Az. After a little housework I’m off on my errands. At one point I decided to stop at QT for a diet coke. (I never stop at QT for a drink.) I notice my tire again & think is it really low or is it my eye sight. Then I remember I need to check on picture we are having framed so I go the opposite direction that I had started & go check on it. Then I go to Calloways just to look around. When I came out I see the tire again. So I decided that God is telling me to have that tire check. (Mmmm each time I started off in a different direction God kept sending me back in the direction of Discount Tires.) I was around the corner from Discount Tire so I decided I would have them check it for me. That must have been the correct answer because when I went to make a left turn, the roads were clear & I went without any problems. (Note: I do not like making left turns on multiple lane roads.) They checked the pressure & it only had 20# of pressure. They told me that I would have ruined the tire if I had driven to Rockwall on it. Positive Voice: THANK YOU God for pushing me to take care of this tire. God Voice: See I’m still here. I’ve got you!!!! Insert a BIG smile & tears here. Me: Yes God, you are still here for me. THANK YOU!!!
Well as you can see God answers prayers & questions. Pity Wednesday was just a bad day. I received so many answers the whole week letting me know that God has this.
Now off to visit with friends & family & more answers from God.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Brylee's Room Part II

When I got home I was just relaxing & I had a thought! Brylee's room needs something on the walls. Remember this is a room that will go through many changes over the next few years. One idea is putting the first initial of each grandchild(ren) on the walls. Making the letter "B" is on Bryan's list of things to do over the next few months.

The room still needed something. Simple. FUN. Inexpensive. Then I thought of the lanterns. I text Helen to be sure it would be okay to use the idea & she thought it would be cool.

I could not find a dark purple so I went with the Black & White. (the accent color in Brylee's room is dark purple) It still works & if I come across a purple lantern later I can always pick it up.
I text a picture to Bryan & Jenn and asked, "any bets on how long it takes Brylee to pull them down" Jenn text back something like you want to bet how long it will take me to put them in my room??? I do remember Jenn wanting lanterns too.
Now to make or have someone make a pillow out of the stripped material I have left over.
Thanks Faith & Helen for sharing the idea. Now every time I look into Brylee's room I will think of you guys. Wish I had a picture of how cute your lanterns turned out. I would add it to the post.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Brylee's Has Her Own Room

Many asked if I would turn the room into a grandchildren room once we heard we were going to be grandparents. I told them no because for one reason Spike's cage was to big to move out. Another reason was we knew the Family would be moving & to walk into that room after they left would make the move harder on me. Actually I had planned on making it my room. Okay a guest room done in a Native American Indian theme. With a white cedar post bed & all.
Well after Spike died I started putting ideas down for the room. Well my thought

I had to be sure the room would be decorated so anyone would feel comfortable staying in it. Male/female. Young/old. I had to be sure that the room would and could reflect additional grandchildren. Thanks to all my friends & family I think we did it. They either let me bounce ideas off them, or helped me make something for the room, or giving me web-sites to look at. It was fun! This room is not finished & will not be for a few years. It will grow with Brylee & any other grandchildren we might have.
Of cours

It was so hard not to mention anything about the room to Jenn. There wer

Bryan & I went through the room & made all plugs had covers. We got a hide a rail for her bed to keep her from falling out. of the bed. I was worried that it would not be tall enough but once we put Brylee to bed the first night I was okay with our choice. Brylee was now a big girl with a big girl room.
So, now after 16 years this room has a new identity, it is now Brylee's room!
Friday, January 20, 2012
The above is what I posted on FB.
Jennifer I wish I could tell the world what a wonderful daughter you are!!!! I mean it. You were just about the most perfect child growing up. Problem free. I sometimes wonder if it is due to us treating you as a little people. Letting you make your on decisions with a little bet of guidance. Listening to you. I tried to put myself in your shoes so that I could understand what you needed at each stage of your life.You are a very carrying person to humans & animals alike.
We called you Angel before you were born since we did not know if we were having a daughter or son. You know I really think the name fits because you show GOD's love every day in so many ways. That is not easy these days. Please stay the way you are don't change, you are the perfect daughter!!!!
Thank you for being our Best friend! We love you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jennifer Marie Jarvis McFadden!!!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Dad' Gathering

So in November I texted, e-mailed or called eve

Bill & I talked about flying Toney home to surprise both mom & dad. I knew he would not fly because, well Toney does not fly! We called & made him the offer but NO, he was not getting into a tube & flying 25000 feet above the earth. Yep that's Toney.
Dad knew I was coming & bringing lunch. Bill used the excuse to come look at dad's computer. Dad started suspecting something when mom got up & started chili beans & home made rolls. She would ask him to vacuum & do a few other things around the house. He even told me he was thinking about calling in to work to ask to be put on the schedule. He even threw out that he needed to rake the leaves. I told him I would help him with the leaves after lunch. That never got done. :) Mary & Weid showed up & said they were in the neighborhood & thought they would drop in. Then Debbie & Kenneth dropped in to return the air mattress. Dad would throw out comments to see if anyone would let on what was going on. I mean really all of us showing up at the house at the same time? Dad even said he texted one of our sisters that we were all there & that she had texted back, why was she not invited to the fun? Richard & his family came in & this really got dad. Once we made sure everyone was there I told dad that we had tried to make a wish come true & have all of his children one place at the same time. We told him how we talked to Toney about flying in to surprise him & mom. The look on his face was PRICELESS.We told him that due to family illness 2 of our sisters could not make it. Well he loved it!

The bonus points were that one of the smoke alarms was chirping. So all the sons made sure to change out all smoke alarms batteries through out the house. Weid asked if any light bulbs needed to be changed out. (We did not need either dad or mom falling through a window again.) There is a joke in the picture if you can find it.
I understand that dad talked about it for days. I wonder how many times he told his co-workers? I guess that means we made his day.
Thanks everyone for bringing food or drinks. The cake was delicious! I'm still waiting on the recipe. I believe we all enjoyed the visit & watching dad try to figure out what was going on. We really need to do this again soon.

Love you Dad!!