Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm Finally Normal!

OK, OK, what were you thinking? Normal in the Head!?!? What ever, that is a long lost cause. I mean my weight! I did it! I have lose 56 pounds since July 5th 2008. I know that seems like a long time but Rome was not built in a year & I did not gain all the weight that fast either.

In a few post tucked in here & there I will tell you about how I lose the weight. Bryan & I call it a Life Style change. I will have it labeled as Life Style Change so if you want to read about it you can, if not you know to past it up. This is really for me to help me keep on track. I do hope that is will inspire someone out there who needs to lose weight, that they too can do it.

I want to say thank you Bryan for being my partner in this new life style. Thank you Dawn for the encouraging words & answering questions that I had. I still have the sweater!! To Jennifer, Cary, Jeff , Donna & Donna and all my family and friends that encouraged me and cheered me on. And I can not leave out Jayne & Yvonne for inspiring me!


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